Tango & Cash
By Peter John Gardner
Stallone's first foray into the buddy cop genre is a doozy. Right from the get go, there's a scene where Stallone's character, Ray Tango, receives some smack talk from a fellow cop.
"Who does this guy think he is? Rambo?"
"Rambo's a pussy!"
Crappy one liners aside, I really do like this movie. It pairs Stallone up with another 80s action icon, Kurt Russell, a man that Quentin Tarantino has proved to the world is still a badass to this very day.
What you get with Tango and Cash is a typical 80s buddy cop in the vein of the Lethal Weapon movies. Two cops are pulled together by a common bad guy that wants them both taken out. The cops are polar opposites on the surface, but they overcome their differences and realize they have a lot in common and work well together. There's also the damsel in distress played by Teri Hatcher who also happens to be Tango's sister.
Not to mention the totally random nudity typical of 80s action movies. Russell is escaping the bad guys in parking garage. One of the cars slams into a pole causing a loud noise. Cut to a car where a couple is having sex and and a bare breasted woman looks up with complete confusion and bewilderment. Wha...?
The movie is predictable and probably wouldn't do much to impress anyone that doesn't love a cheeseball action flick. It's good, though. I think Stallone and Russell's friendship is easy to buy. They're guy's guys. It's natural. I could see them throwing down a few beers together.
This being a movie about friendship, and tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I'd like to hijack this piece into a little "thank you" and "what I've learned from you" for my two best friends. It's not that I don't love any of the rest of you enough to write a piece for you. I'm just lazy right now, and two's enough. If you really need to know why I value you as a friend, just give a little chirp.

I think that every one should have two best friends, one of each gender. It helps to balance things out in your life and to give you different prespectives and advice on situations. Kim is my girl best friend.
No, we've never dated. We've never fooled around or done the nasty, but we do get a kick out of making people think that. In actuality, Kim plays very well to the sensitive side of my personality, and she provides a calm nurturting voice towards me. Make no mistake, she's no softy. She can make a semen joke with the best of them. Thing is, Kim has a very realistic outlook on life, and I always turn to her for an honest opinion when I'm unsure of something.
"Are you fucking kidding? DON'T DO THAT! Ugh!"
"Peter....are you sure about this?"
She acts as a conscience of sorts. She's the Tango to my Cash. She keeps on tabs when I'm making foolish decisions in life. Our relationship isn't exactly the normal path towards friendship. Officially, she's my ex-girlfriend's, ex-teacher's ex-wife. Now she's the wife of one of my friends and the mother of his child. Somewhere in the middle, we struck up a friendship when we realized that we were nearly male and female versions of each other. Over course of our friendship, we shared a night shift at bank for a few monthes, and we just spent every night alternating from movie critiques and sex jokes to really deep conversations about our lives, our pasts, and our needs.
Kim is such a good friend that despite her tireless mother duties, as well as being an awesome wife, will still be a good enough friend to call you for no reason just to see how you are, or listen to rant about something at 2am that turns out to be irrelevant at 8am. She also knows how to make a single guy not feel isolated on Valentine's Day by going out of her way to make mix cds and presents. She also grabs my butt when needed. Trust me. That's important in any friendship with me. If you grab my butt, I'll love you forever.
Everyone should have a friend like Kim. She's led an extrodinary life, and she's very accepting of people despite their differences.

Abel and I have been best friends for over twelve years. We met shortly after I moved to Florida when my parents split in 1995. We sat on opposite sides of the room in Spanish class until I was moved next to him because of a flannel shirt fight I was having with this kid named Jamal. Initially, I thought Abel was a dork. He looked kinda like Angus, and he wasn't very good with Spanish (once he accidentally told the teacher that he wanted to bathe her with a rubber ducky in Spanish). It wasn't until I noticed the band names scraweled on his backpack (Nirvana, Local H, Soundgarden, Marilyn Manson, Butthole Surfers, Tad) that I started to think he was alright. We eventually bonded over huffing markers. True story. They smelled fruity.
We became inseperable for years to come. The effects of puberty wore off by the time tenth grade started, and we started to look and feel good about ourselves. More importantly, we had girlfriends. Most people around the high school didn't think of us without thinking of the other, and we were constantly referred to as Abel and Peter, instead of just Abel...or Peter ("Where're Abel and Peter? I know her. Isn't she friends with Abel and Peter?"). Our senses of humor meshed incredibly well.
Abel is an extremely outgoing guy. If you've met him, you'd feel like you've known him for years. He's incredibly charming, clever, funny, good looking, and knows how to get people to feel good about themselves. He definitely plays to the male part of my personality.
"Go talk to her."
"No way. She's no interest in me."
"Shut the fuck up. Look at you..." *goes into inspirational speech about how awesome I am ending with a joke about pussy farts*
He's also extremely loyal. I know he would unconditionally take my side no matter what. He would tell me when I fuck up, but do it in a way where he shows that he understands why I fucked up. Out of all the friends that he's lost contact with over the years, I wonder why he still keeps that pimply faced dork from 9th grade as his best friend. I love him dearly though. Although the three or four years since we left Vero have caused our own personalities, separate from one another, to emerge, we still think of each other as brothers. As blood. Abel's the brother I should've had. No matter how much shit we've gone through on both ends, we still manage to shrug it off and go right into riffing about whatever we think is funny at the time. We've had some amazing adventures that warrant their own tell-all book, and I will always cherish those years of my life. He's the Cash to my Tango, always entangling me in some wacky adventure.
Friends become a part of your personality that is hard to shake off when the friendship is a strong one. I hold all of my friends close to my heart, and I thank everyone for putting up with a shmuck like me.